In Love But Worlds Apart

Insights, questions, and tips for the intercultural couple

by G. Shelling; J. Fraser-Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/06/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781434381163

About the Book

In love but worlds apart is a self-help book for a man and woman who come from two very different cultural backgrounds and who are considering a life commitment to each other. It shows how and when their differences can be problematic, but also how such a relationship could succeed. This book enables partners to think and talk about their cultural differences (such as in manners, values, worldview, holidays and other customs), and to develop traditions and activities they can enjoy together. Questions to think and talk about, which are cited throughout the book, are again listed in the back for copying and giving to the partner to use. A list of possible priorities of choice is also provided to help partners decide whether or not their relationship could work long-term. For couples who have already begun or decided on an intercultural marriage, reading and doing this book may lessen their shock and frustrations and lead them into a more positive experience.

About the Author

Grete Shelling holds a Master’s and an Education Specialist degree in counseling from Georgia State University and a diploma in pastoral counseling from the Psychological Studies Institute. She has many years of experience counseling couples and individuals in multicultural settings in both USA and Europe, has authored several articles on cross-cultural issues, and has hosted hundreds of young adults from many countries. Born in Austria, she and her family immigrated to North America when she was ten. She is married to Ted, an American.  Together they have one grown son, and they enjoy personal and e-mail visits with friends from around the world.


Janet Fraser-Smith was born in England and immigrated to Canada at age 10.  In her late 20’s she returned to the UK where she met her English husband, Keith.  Together they have worked in Egypt, Jordan, France, Cyprus and the UK, and she occasionally accompanies her husband who travels internationally in his work.  As author of Love Across Latitudes, a workbook for those considering a cross-cultural marriage, she has contributed to seminars on intercultural marriage in eight countries. Members of her extended family have lived for periods in 12 countries and five continents. Keith and Janet have three grown children and several grandchildren.