Chapter 1 describes the Background including Bush Collision Course with Congress, Hiring Nine Lawyers to Fight Congressional Inquiries, War Strategy, State of the Union Message, Valerie Plame and Libby, Bush Commutes Libby’s Jail Time, the AG Gonzales Mess, Globalism—Destroyer of America’s Middle Class, Cheney’s Secrecy and Multiculuralism.
Also discussed are Appointments, Resignations and Recommendations in re Condoleeza Rice, Sam Fox, Dan Bartlett, Rob Portman, VA’s Nicolson, former Surgeon General Carmona, Karl Rove, Tony Snow, Jim Nussle, Michael B. Mukasey, Rumsfeld et al.
Matters related to the U. S. economy are discussed under the headings of Economy (General, Stocks Fall Worldwide, World’s Cheapest Car and Bush’s Recession Fears), and Statistics (Maytag Halts Production in Newton, IA, Fears of an Impending Recession and Jobless in December ’07), and Budget (Bush’s Proposed Budget for Fiscal ’08 and Criticisms) in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 describes the chaotic mess in Iraq under the main heading of Ongoing Civil War with a periodic count of mounting casualties. Among the subheadings are Protesting the War in Iraq, Iraq’s Future—Sober Chilling, British Troops Plan to Withdraw plus Others, Walter Reed Hospital Fiasco, Haliburton Moves HQ to Dubai, Sectarian Wall in Baghdad, New U. S. Embassy in Baghdad—White Elephant, Bush Predicts Long Stay for Troops in Iraq, DOD Reports Surge Not Quelling Violence, Operation Thunder Offensive, New Approach to the War Offered by Senators Warner and Lugar, PM al-Maliki—“U. S. Troops Can Leave Anytime They Want,” White House Approves “Severe Interrogation” of Terrorism Suspects and House Vote Bans Permanent Bases in Iraq.
Post War Governance in Iraq is discussed in Chapter 4 under the single caption Governance (Iraqi Job Program, Proposed Sunni Islamic Cabinet, Senator Biden’s Partition Plan for Iraq, Congressional Research Service Report on Democracy Collapsing in Iraq and Widespread Corruption in Iraq.)
Chapter 5 describes the escalating war in Afghanistan under the headings of Ongoing Violence and Resurgence of the Taliban, Military Duty Tours Extended, Opium Production on the Increase, and U. S. Failure to Comprehend Afghanistan.”
U. S. Defense matters are discussed in Chapter 6 under the captions General (Lowering Standards of Army and Marine Recruits, Military Recruitment and Leave No Child Behind Act, Homeland Security, Reducing the Size of the Air Force, Patriot Act, Gen. Pace “not” Re-appointed as Chairmen Joint Chiefs of Staff, Missile Defense in Czech Republic and Poland, U. S. Army Lowers Standards and Increases Incentives for Recruits, FBI Conference Expensive Tastes, Private Contractors Outnumber U. S. Forces in Iraq, Adm. Mullen New Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff and Bush Unilaterally Reduces Nuke Stockpile Again), Terrorism Within the U. S. (Terror Plot at Fort Dix Thwarted, Muslim Terrorist Plot at JFK International Airport Foiled, Eavesdropping and Warrantless Searches, Anti-terrorism Bill Sent to Bush, Inadequacy of the CIA Prior 9 –11and Los Angeles Fears Muslim Radicalization), Terrorism Outside the U. S. (Algeria, Canada, Great Britain, India, Morocco, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia and Somalia) and New Weapons (Non-lethal Energy Beam Ray Gun, New Nuke Warheads—Reliable Replacement Weapons, and Reaper—New Drone).
Chapter 7 is concerned with the continuing problem of immigration, both legal and illegal under the broad headings of General, Illegal Immigration and Legal Immigration and Regulations, Among the specifics discussed are Protests for Illegal Immigrant Lawbreakers, Operation Return to Sender, Mexico’s Calderon Admits Relatives Living Illegally in the U. S., Mexico’s Inept Calderon Protests Border Crackdown, Bush’s New “Z” Visa Immigration Plan, Senate Negotiators Concoct a Comprehensive Immigration Bill, Corporate Crocodile Tears, Positive Solutions, Senate Votes to Kill Bush’s Amnesty Immigration Bill, Schlafly on Bush’s Defeated “Silent Amnesty” Bill, Logical Deportation, New Arizona Law—“Get Illegals to Self-Deport,” “Dream Act,,” Dream Act Tabled and Fork-Tongued CA Governor Schwarzenegger, Outsourcing Border Fence Construction to China, Arizona Gets Tough on Employers Hiring Illegal Immigrant Lawbreakers and Border Fence).