Military Logistics Made Easy

Concept, Theory, and Execution




Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/04/2008

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781434374936
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 212
ISBN : 9781434374929

About the Book

You already know that logistics is hard, it should not be, but it just is. The key components to supply and movement consist of receive, store, issue, and move. It should be that simple.


Bottom line: it just is not that simple. There are too many moveable parts where the synergy of the operation could provide a scenario where the combined requirements needed to sustain a theater are greater than the sum of their individual effects or capabilities.


   This book outlines some of these logistical

components and their doctrinal relationship to the

operation, as well as provides some new ideas.


   The chapters are formatted in a fashion that offer the

reader the doctrinal concept that the operation or

function is based on, and then presents new theories

on how to better execute the logistical function or

capability as it relates to the operation.


    The goal is to discuss those hard logistical topics

and their conception to improve the general knowledge

and understanding on “why it happens”, and “how we

can improve the outcome”.


About the Author


   Lieutenant Colonel James H. Henderson was commissioned a 2d Lieutenant and assigned to the Quartermaster following completion of his Master’s Degree from the University of Southern Mississippi in May 1985. He is also a graduate of the United States Army Command and General Staff College, the Quartermaster Officer Basic Course and Quartermaster Officer Advanced Course.


    Lieutenant Colonel Henderson has served tours in Operations Desert Shield and Storm, as well as Operations Iraqi Freedom II (OIF II). He retired from active duty on 1 August 2005, and is now working as a consultant for the Army’s logistical automation systems the Battle Command Sustainment Support System (BCS3) and the Transportation Coordinators-Automated Information for Movements System II (TC-AIMS II). Mr. Henderson is the author of, The Process of Military Distribution Management; A Guide to Assist Military and Civilian Logisticians in Linking Commodities and Movement, and Logistics in Support of Disaster Relief. He conducts classes and seminars for the U.S. Army Quartermaster and Transportation Schools, as well as instructs National Guard and Reserve units on Distribution Management and Logistical Support to Disaster Relief at Camp Shelby, Mississippi.