Becoming a Mature Christian

Am I Still a Spiritual Baby?

by Donald W. French



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 11/07/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781434394163
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 484
ISBN : 9781434396877

About the Book

The focus of this book is to provide a step by step process starting with the first step a person takes in their Christian growth and continues until an individual reaches maturity. These steps are in Sections (chapters).


As each step is considered, you will notice emphasis is placed upon internalizing each principal taught. For instances, in singing in worship services, we sing with such fervor and thought, as if, "to pluck, twang the strings of our hearts," as we make melody (music) to the Lord.  In every facet and principal covered in this book, this is stressed.


The sincerity of Don is indicated throughout in his deep conviction in "saving souls." Although hindered greatly with "Parkinson's Disease", with help and assistances of brethren in the church, he continues to conduct Bible studies with those he can find that are willing to study with him, and has realized a conversion rate of well over fifty percent. This inter-conviction is seen as he stresses the importance of each child of God being a soul winner for Christ.


This book should be a source of encouragement and strength as each individual endeavors to live the Christian life.

About the Author

Donald W. French was born in 1952 in Corcoran, California. He is the 3rd of 7 children, he has 4 brothers and 2 sisters. During his early years, his family moved often, first to the Bay Area, where in the span of 5 years, he lived in  number of places. His Father, Jesse French, was a minister of the Church of Christ. When Don was 9 years old, they moved to the Redding area, where Don lived until he finished 2 years of college before transferring to Sacramento State in 1973. After finishing almost 2 years of upper level Mathematics, Don discovered he did not want to teach high school math and he dropped out of college to marry the love of his life, Jeannette. He had been working with a small Church of Christ as a paid minister, but took a secular job in order that he could support his family and continued as an unpaid minister, this way he could chose which congregation he worked with, not based on monetary reasons. Don returned to college and recieved a B.S. in Computer Science. After Graduating, he went to work for the U.S.A.F where he worked as a network specialist for 20 years. After being diagnosed with Parkinson's, he retired. After Parkinson's caused him to almost lose his voice completely, he started writing a book in order to continue his ministry for God. After having concentrating for 39 years of his ministry on Christian maturity, he felt compelled to write in this area. Don spends his days between writing, spending time with his granddaughter, Winter, and writing sermons to be delivered by proxy, where he writes the sermons and others delivers them. He keeps busy and hopes to be able to serve God until the day he dies.