Sneedville to Kalamazoo

The Walk That Wasn't

by John W. Leeger



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 28/05/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781434381392

About the Book

Did you ever want to really get away from it all? To leave behind work, family, friends — all the people and things you are so familiar with? To put a few essentials in a backpack, and just walk through places you’ve never walked before, as Heinlein would say, a stranger in a strange land? To get some experience of how and where other people live?

Did you really?

Neither did I.

And yet, in the summer of 2007, that’s exactly what I found myself doing. I struggled to take a walk I had imagined, and learned, time and again, to let go and accept the ride I was intended to take. I had to learn to let myself be led instead of leading. To see instead of watching. To listen instead of hearing.

In words and pictures, this book retraces that journey.

About the Author

John Leeger currently lives in Kalamazoo. He has written a number of computer programs, a little poetry, some music and an earlier book – One In A Hundred.