God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever
believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.”(John 3:16)
We all know the story, “let
there be light” and there was light throughout the land. (Genesis, 1:3)
God gave us many beautiful things to wonder about, the stars, Adam, Eve,
plants, trees and animals. All animals belong to God (Psalm 50:10-11). God created all the animals (Genesis 1:24-25) and God cares for the animals. “Look at the birds flying
around…your Father in heaven takes care of them.” Matthew 6:26.
Animals were special in
their own right and God wants to them to be with us. They are very wonderful creatures for their
ability to love and keep giving love to their masters. I am a dog lover and have had many in my life
so far. Mostly, they have been large
dogs and what has been the best thing about them is the endless love that they give no
matter what the day may bring. Work can pile up and they are there. No matter how much you get mad at them, they
were designed to love and please. God
made them that way and it is stated in Proverbs that a righteous man will care
for his animals and one that does not, is wicked. They only want to give and they only want to
show how much they love you. God
designed them that way and made them from the beginning to love and show that
life is really an easy thing to live. God cares for the animals (John 4:16) and we must keep caring for them but take it one step further and care
for the ones we love in the same way.
We can learn much from
what animals bring to the table and remember that the cruel intentions of
people and poor communication that goes on makes it tough to want to give or
love you neighbor. But, ask yourself
this question, did Jesus get
made? Did He stomp off? Did He run away from the problem at hand, No
he went to who ever had a problem with him and he also showed that you never
run from your trouble but face it head on.
God did not want you to be
mean to other humans and animals and honestly, you truly were not
designed that way. You were designed to
love and by doing so, God and his Son are smiling in heaven down upon you.
God gave us dogs to remind
us to love unconditionally as they do us.
When they come to you with their tail wagging behind them, all they want
is love. I have a 13 year old Labrador
retriever (Maggie) and she has been with me during many tough times. I told myself that when she needed me to take
care of her, if she became sick, I would do that. She is white and her eyes are large and she has
a very sweet disposition. God has
blessed me
and He gave