My Improbable Journey

by Silas W. Huff



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/05/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 128
ISBN : 9781438920573

About the Book

At the first of this book I talk about my dad’s workhorses running away. I was borne in a century with many changes. I feel really fortunate to have ridden in my dad’s horse and wagon as a little boy and educated out in the field the few times I tried to plow the corn with the horses. The horses always made a quick study of who had a hold of the plow. I’m also fortunate to live in the jet and space age where surgeons have the knowledge to remove brain tumors. In life as in the corn field you have to grab the reins and hold on to the plow and not quit until you reach the end of the row. We need not to look back where we were plowing, but forward to what wonders that God and this life hold.

About the Author

Being a survivor of a baseball-sized brain tumor, his cup runneth over at the miraculous power experienced during the most difficult days of his life.   His purpose is to share his story in a way of inspiration and encouragement no matter how difficult your trial may be, there is hope and source of strength that only comes from faith in God and the devoted love of others to get you through.  Knowing this he could say, “to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.”  No matter the outcome, he felt he would be a winner either way.  God’s plan was for him to stay here longer and his story will tell you why.