Past Love

by Betty W. Templet



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/10/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 248
ISBN : 9781438902289

About the Book

They were so much in love that they couldn’t live without each other and had to find their way back together. They were two people that didn’t have each other completely. They met and loved in a strained time and thought they would never ne together again. He had to find his way and she had to hope that it was she that he was trying to get back to. They could never love until they were together again.

They had to move their own way for a while trying to make a life for them self knowing they could never stop loving each other. It’s like they had no life. Now found they couldn’t live without each other. They knew they had to make their way back to find love. He was working things out so he could go back to her, hoping she was still where he left her.

About the Author

I was raised in Sorrento, la and around there with my mother and father, and 9 other children I am 3rd out of 10. As of today we are all still living. Mom and dad are not and they are missed. I like writing but never published most of it got lost. I love fishing and I am married to a man that makes me hunting widow. I have four children, 3 girls and 1 boy. I worked all my life till I was 60 years old. I walk a mile ever day and I feel like I am doing great. Getting this book published will be a dream for me. I wanted to do this since 2002. I have waited a long time. Thanks to James Fuller at Author house publishing I can now do it. Thank you, James.