Little Lost Souls

A Foster Mother's Story

by Corinne S. Sills



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781434397430

About the Book

Just giving them a hug and kiss is all they need, right? The "feel good" warm fuzzies are not all a child in foster care needs. Being a parent is work, but being a foster parent takes more energy. It's not all fun and games. Meet five children of the thirty three that have entered our home over the past eight years. If you've ever considered foster care, you need to know what most children in the "system" are like. If you've ever sat in judgement of those who are foster parents, this book will take you inside our home, and many like it in the foster care world.

Yes, I continue to be a foster mother even after all of the children you will read about in this book. I like to give hugs and kisses too! 

About the Author

Corinne Sills, a foster mother and CEO of a non-profit organization for foster children, wrote Little Lost Souls after keeping a diary involving thirty three children who entered her home and heart through the foster care system.

Sills lives in Mason City, Iowa with her husband Pat and son Joshua. She is currently working on her next novel which entails the story of the miracle child who became her forever son.