These Old Hills

by Tony Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/07/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781438901473

About the Book

These old hills they cradled me when I was but an infant.  And when I was bigger they let me play in and around them.  Oh yes, these old hills..Oh how I love them.  And when I was older they let me hunt in them taking rabbits, squirrels, coon and sometimes a deer. Oh yes these old hills...


Most of my people left these hills to get jobs in the factories but not me. If I have to leave these hills to make it then I won’t make it.  Oh these hills... The old people say if the hills could talk oh the stories they could tell.

About the Author

Tony Smith, born in 1960 wrote these words during one brief time in his life while he was away from his beloved hills. He has always listened to the old people tell stories and he remembers the good times while they were happening in his life. In this collection of short stories Tony, the old people and the hills are talking and telling great stories of earlier and simpler days .Many times they   had to leave the hills but they never left them behind in their thoughts, dreams and memories. Tony has stayed to tell the tales .Read along with Tony, those who grew up here will cherish the old days. Those who grew up in other places will learn how to cook ground hogs and squirrels, hunt rabbits, butcher a hog, and truly enjoy family life on a farm in the Kentucky hills.