The Death of the Playground

How the loss of 'Free-Play' has affected the Soul of Corporate America

by Kurt Philip Behm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/02/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781438937144
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 180
ISBN : 9781438937151

About the Book

The Death Of The Playground talks about the tragic loss of 'Free-Play' in America. Our Public Playgrounds were the places where it all happened, where developing boys could learn together to, : First sit and watch and learn from those older : Truly become an important part of a group and fit in : Make up their own games and improvise : That to have friends you must first be a friend : Handle disappointment and that life isn't always fair : Realize that all great things take time : To become part of something bigger than just themselves THIS ONE WAS MOST IMPORTANT ! On the Playground, they did all of this without DIRECT Parent or Adult supervision. They made up their own rules of play, picked their own games, decided for themselves what was fair, and learned to live with the consequences. All of this doesn't mean Parents weren't involved; they were. They just weren't over-involved! Kids raised with their parents doing everything for them, then 'grow up' and want their government to do the same thing. I think we all know where that road leads. America's Corporations desperately need the developing titans, like the ones that fought and won two World Wars, created the powerful multi-national corporations, and wrote the great books of the 20th century. The chain connecting boyhood to manhood is now broken. Let me take you back to find the missing link. Revisit with me the Playground of my childhood, and share with me the pure joy and magic of my 8 years of 'Free-Play.' It's not too late to recapture that magic for our children, but we have to act and we have to act soon. Kurt Philip Behm Website: Available: Amazon, B&N, Borders, Most Independents, Author House

About the Author

Kurt Behm was raised right next to a public Playground in the late 1950's. Every important lesson of his young life would either be taught or underscored within the borders of its fence. Kurt's eight years at the Playground would be filled with more magic and wonder than at any other time of his life.

He went on to establish two national corporations that would never have happened without his Playground tutorial. Kurt now visits his Playground almost every day as he walks with his best friend Colby (85lb. Chocolate Lab.) and is saddened by how empty and devoid of life his Playground is most of the time.

In the spirit of trying to recapture the magic of 'free-play' he began writing this book. It has been the seminal link that has kept his life together all these years, and one that is sadly missing and unavailable to young boys today. He is convinced that the principles in 'The Death Of The Playground' can reinstill the 'magic', and turn these empty parks once again into places of wonder, and true fields of dreams.

To contact the Author:  Kurt P Behm
Phone: (610) 392-7988