Philanthropy Reconsidered

Private Initiatives — Public Good — Quality of Life

by George McCully



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 27/08/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781438905617
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781438905624

About the Book

A re-interpretation and strategic overview of philanthropy—its meaning and values, greatest accomplishments, current transformations, and future directions—based on close analysis of historical sources, and 25 years' practical experience in all aspects of philanthropy. Chapter I: “ Promethean Fire: the Archetype” — from its first coinage in ancient Greece, in Prometheus Bound, philanthropia meant “the love of humanity”, or of what it is to be human, an educational and cultural ideal; Chapter II: “ Philanthropy’s Finest Hour: the American Revolution” — the Revolution as philanthropy in action—how Classical philanthropy through voluntary associations produced a “purportedly philanthropic nation”, created by and for philanthropy; Chapter III: “ Philanthropy Yesterday and Today” — how 20th-century growth and professionalization made philanthropy paradigmatic, but neglected Classical values, and how we are now in a paradigm-shift, in which philanthropy is being thoroughly transformed; Chapter IV: “ The Future of Philanthropy” — how the paradigm-shift analysis illuminates issues facing Old Paradigm institutions, and current trends suggesting a probable future; Chapter V: “ Philanthropy Reborn”— how a possible New Paradigm, uniting Classical ideals with Internet-based operations, might benefit donors, grantmakers, philanthropic advisors, trustees, executive directors, scholars, media journalists, teachers and students, as well as civic, religious and political leaders. Appendix I: "Case Study: the Catalogue for Philanthropy in Massachusetts." Exemplifies the current paradigm-shift. Appendix II: "A Taxonomic Tree of Philanthropy" A donor-friendly presentation of how the fields of philanthropy constitute a coherent whole. Appendix III: "Bibliographical Notes" Suggested further readings.

About the Author

George McCully brings to this book knowledge, experience and skills gained from two careers—first for 20 years as professor of European intellectual and cultural history, from the Renaissance to the Enlightenment; then for 30 years as professional philanthropist—fundraiser, strategic planner, executive director, trustee, and advisor to charities, foundations, families and individual donors. In 1997 he created the highly respected and influential Massachusetts Catalogue for Philanthropy, to promote charitable giving and strengthen the culture of philanthropy through donor-education. Mailed annually (1997-2007) to 200,000 affluent households statewide, with articles about philanthropy supported by descriptions of (in twelve years) over 900 charities, the cumulative Catalogues are the most thorough, empirical, and detailed description, defense, and advocacy of philanthropy ever published (cf. Dr. McCully also created the Massachusetts Philanthropic Directory (launched 2011,, a complete list of the ca. 4000 philanthropic charities in Massachusetts, systematically organized by field, location, age, size, and kinds of people served, and featuring the only systematic taxonomy of philanthropic fields—over 200 such, branching out logically from four basic fields: Nature, Culture, People, and Promoting Philanthropy. The Catalogue has discovered that only 1/10 of "nonprofits" are philanthropy: "private initiatives, for public good, focusing on quality of life and reporting any revenue from public fundraising for grants and donations." Together, the book Philanthropy Reconsidered, and the Philanthropic Directory system carry out the Catalogue's mission: "To strengthen the culture of philanthropy—its vocabulary, conceptualization, rhetoric, infrastructure, and modes of operation—through donor education and innovative technology designed to promote philanthropy in perpetuity." In 2012 the Catalogue is resuming publication online.