Managing Photographs in the Digital Age

A basic guide to naming, filing and sharing your digital photographs

by Suzanne Maiden Walls



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/11/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438936222

About the Book

Today's digital cameras have changed the face of professional and amateur photography. Everybody is taking pictures of everything. Every event is recorded for posterity; but ... do you know where your photographs are?

In Managing Photographs in the Digital Age, explore methods for organizing your photographs so they can be found again. What a concept! Learn new options for bringing some structure to your growing digital collections using the software you already have.

Capitalize on using the Internet as well as some of today's newer scanning and photography products to further expand your ability to store, retrieve and share those precious moments.

About the Author

Suzanne Walls is a freelance writer who spent the majority of her career helping people understand and effectively use computer technology to make their jobs and their lives easier. Over the past forty years, she built a successful career, starting as an administrative assistant to a Government systems integrator. There she was introduced to the world of PCs. She quickly learned how computers could improve office workers’ lives while increasing their productivity. Soon she was promoted into sales, where she introduced some of the first PCs into the Washington, DC, workplace.

Careers with the Washington Gas Light Company, USAirways and Sun Microsystems allowed her to better understand the challenges computer users face today and build solutions on how to overcome them.

Today, Suzanne is retired from the fast pace of technology sales to join her husband and son at Walls Lithographics, their family-owned printing company. In her spare time, she focuses on writing and pursuing her passion ... genealogy.