O Taste And See That The Lord Is Good

by Leslie Jordan



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/12/2008

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 112
ISBN : 9781438935539

About the Book

                                  ABOUT THE BOOK 

O Taste And See That The Lord Is Good shows the readers how God touched the heart of the author.  Intimate glimpses into God's touch on her life as well as on the lives of some other interesting people.  Each chapter offers drawings by Jim Jordan and even recipies to try.

The heart and premise of the book is to remind readers God wants time with each of His children.  As you read the book expect to discover something He wants you to see.  His Word reminds us we are the salt of the earth.  A sprinkle of new seasoning in life might help the attitude or goals just as new seasoning helps cooking.  Try something new in several areas; it will be good for you

Some pages are put in for the reader to make notes about life, add a new recipe, list verses.  The book is like a workbook you read a chapter at a time and think about what God wants to do in your life.  You need a faith that works.

Expect to be introduced as you read to some interesting, very special people.  The inspiration for the chapters of the book came from a lot of different people God put in our life.  Like a beautiful tapestry our Father threads our lives together.  when the world becomes dark for you, your spirit feels bitterness creeping in; stop a minute, and taste and see that the Lord is good!  

About the Author

                                  ABOUT THE AUTHOR 

From a deep well filled with information gathered over a long life time walk the author has great source from which to draw for her second book.  God has been gracious to the author and her husband through a broad scope of ministry.  As a team they have worked building churches and have seen God bless the efforts.  Each month the author writes an article for the Shepherd's Voice Newspaper, which is distributed to over 35,000 readers.  She also writes poetry and has composed a number of songs.  Now that all five of their children are grown and have their own families the author wants to devote more time to writing and using the skills and gifts God has given her. 

Life is our best teacher over all and offers the most lasting lessons.  the author and her husband went to Baptist bible College in Springfield, MO.  Both of them also have attended classes in several other colleges.  They have lived in several areas of the country as God led, eventually in 1977 moving to Houston, Texas.  They have remained in the Houston area.  The author has had close contact with people on every level of society, of education, of financial level, of status level which has afforded a look into many hearts and lives.  She has had opportunity to know first hand it is not surroundings, or education, not social position, not age or health which determines ones standing before God.  It is the soul of man and the acceptance of the Word og God.  The new book title is a verse from Psalm 34 and a wonderful truth to the author.  Nothing is better than to Taste And See That The Lord Is Good!