Blood Alcohol, Breath Alcohol, Impairment and the Law

A manual for law enforcement, attorneys, and others interested in alcohol issues in law enforcement today

by Alfred W. O'Daire, Jr.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/03/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.25x11
Page Count : 120
ISBN : 9781438925806

About the Book

This is a text that explains the science behind DUI detection, and the Scientific basis behind field sobriety testing, how it should be used, and the good, the bad, and the ugly about Evidential Breath testing and it's application in determining blood alcohol levels.  It is not appropriate to simply accept the Evidential Breath test as cut and dry evidence of impairment in any criminal legal case.  Any conviction should be based on a totality of evidence and not based on any one part of the entire process.  This concise text includes the necessary information to understand all aspects of determination of impairment.

Alcohol affects more people than any other drug in society today.  The information provided in this text puts everything needed to make informed, appropriate decisions about drinking in one place.  There is no longer the need to search out individual topics related to alcohol use--all the information you  may need is at your fingertips with this one single volume.

About the Author

Alfred W. O'Daire, Jr. is a retired law enforcement officer with extensive experience in DUI enforcement.  In the time since leaving active law enforcement, Mr. O'Daire has become a noted forensic expert with almost 20 years of varied state and federal court room experience in criminal and civil cases dealing with alcohol issues.

He is a partner in an active family medical practice and works in Emergency Medicine in a large hospital emergency department in the central Virginia area.  He continues to assist in managing medicolegal cases as well as lecturing in various venues including law enforcement academies and medical and legal seminars.