The Other Side of the Clouds

by W. Joseph Dupuis



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/02/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 76
ISBN : 9781438953120

About the Book

This book was written with a specific premise in mind; that failure is never the end, it is the beginning of another opportunity to succeed. The lesson brought forward in this book is aimed at those students who are struggling with their own identity, having difficulty in school, and will or have already dropped out. This true story delves into a childhood dream of reaching the clouds and overcoming  obstacles in order to see this dream become a reality.To dream without goals is only a wish, wishes do not come true.

About the Author

About the author…


W. Joseph Dupuis, (Joe), grew up on a small farm just outside of the city of Ville Platte, Louisiana as a poor sharecropper’s son. He had a dream of someday soaring over the clouds in a military aircraft while filming other jet fighters. However, his dream was temporarily obstructed when he dropped out of school in the 10th grade. Joe then joined the Louisiana National Guard, which through hard work and sacrifice, led to a successful military career. With the help of friends and the guidance of leaders, Joe completed high school and earned a college degree while on active duty. Not only did he fly above the clouds, he became a noted Navy aerial cameraman and was selected by a panel of professional newsfilm producers and directors as the“Top Cinematographer” in the  US Armed Forces in 1978.


This is his life. The Other Side of the Clouds is a perfect example of the power of self-discipline. This true account understandably reveals the positive results of setting realistic goals to accomplish a dream.


After a distinguished military career, Joe continued his visual passion as a commercial video producer winning multiple awards for his visionary work. The author is now comfortably retired and living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. He extensively volunteers for Junior Achievement and other community services while reveling in the joy of faith, family & friends: all brought about by a simple childhood dream, to fly.