Assume The Victory!

by Jeffrey D. Smith



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/01/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 100
ISBN : 9781438943275

About the Book

“Assume the Victory” is a journey through the steps of identifying, developing and achieving any goal or “Victory Vision” you choose to set your mind on.  Personal testimony, historical examples, inspiring stories of perseverance and triumph, and an over abundance of motivational quotes will help to guide and inspire your understanding of your own “Victory Vision”.  Everyone has the inherent desire to succeed; I do not believe anyone wakes with the express purpose to fail each day.  “Assume the Victory” will help to reawaken that desire and show you how with a little commitment, and a four letter word called “work”, anyone can achieve dreams never before imagined.

This easy to read study of common sense principles take you through several steps of identifying your vision and understanding that positive thinking alone will not produce your desired results.  There are challenges to identify and commitments to make, self-discovery to face and learning to be had.  You will even see how a notorious figure in history can inspire you to believe in your own ability to conquer fears and ultimately see through to the achievement of your own design.

This book is designed to be quick and easy, a reference book to write in, earmark pages and refer to time and time again when the daily doldrums seem to get the better of us.  “Assume the Victory” can be your accountability partner to remind us all that no matter where you are in life…you can “ASSUME THE VICTORY!”

About the Author

Jeffrey D. Smith original idea for “Assume the Victory!” started as a training guide for employees in the retail industry.  As the project grew in scope and size, Karin, his wife suggested he turn it into a book that would be applicable for everyone.  18 months later and many, many revisions, the book was finally drafted.  Drawing on the ideals that have helped Smith to achieve both professional and personal goals, he brought his own testimonies, family perspective, business sense and historical retrospective to ‘Assume the Victory!” 

Jeffrey lives in Central Arkansas with his wife Karin, and two daughters, Taylor Anne, and Carolyn Victoria.  With over 15 years of practical business experience he has had the wonderful opportunity to interact with individuals and small businesses in many capacities, always with the goal to help them achieve their “visions”. 

“Helping other people succeed and achieve is not only an awesome by-product of my work, but a passion that was awakened over the last few years.  I saw many very intelligent people struggle to achieve what they perceived as success.  What I discovered was that most, if not all, of these people had never had solid examples of success they could relate to.  I wanted to  show them a believable perspective of what commitment could bring them if they could be disciplined and promise to THINK BIG!”