ABC's of Surviving School Violence

by Natalie Johnson-Leslie & H. Steve Leslie Illustrated by Joshua Allen



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 24
ISBN : 9781449063979

About the Book

The issue of school violence continues to be of concern to parents, teachers, administrators, and the public at large.  How knowledgeable are young kids about possible options to survive an incident of violence in their classroom, lunchroom, library, or on the playground?  At what age is it appropriate to teach young kids safety tips about school violence?  In schools, young kids are taught safety features in case of fires, tornadoes, and strangers.  Unfortunately, the majority of the incidents of school violence are not perpetuated by strangers. What can be done to fill this gap? In spite of more security in schools, school violence continues to plague our society.

Today, school systems at all levels from day-care centers to universities continue to suffer the pain and loss of many members of their communities through the cold hands of school violence.  Those most affected by the plague of school violence are families who lose loved ones. Thus, it makes sense that surviving school violence should be addressed head on from a young age when young minds can be influenced to make the right choices.  The message presented in this book is an attempt to educate, inform and emphasize, practical, common-sense principles and practices that can save lives in the event of school violence.  Parents and teachers can use this book to supplement early learners’ introduction to the alphabet with survival tips to overcome violent acts.  This way one fewer life may be lost through school violence because of the knowledge shared with early learners in this book.


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About the Author

Dr. Natalie A.  Johnson-Leslie, a Jamaican native, is an assistant professor of teacher education at Arkansas State University (ASU).  She received her doctoral degrees from Iowa State University in the areas of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies as well as Curriculum and Instructional technology.  She joined the faculty at ASU in fall 2004.  She integrates technology in all her courses using Blackboard course management tool extensively. She teaches courses including an educational technology course to elementary, mid-level and secondary pre-service teachers. Her main research interests lie in the field of educational leadership, technology integration in the curriculum as well as assessing and evaluating student behavior.  In her research she poses difficult questions and solves complex problems using insightful research techniques.  Her work has been published in the Journal of Educational Technology (JET), International Journal of Reflection (IJR), Journal of the European Teacher Education Network (JETEN), and the International Journal of Learning (IJL). She served on the review board of the Journal of College Student Development for four years.


Mr. H. Steve Leslie is a Jamaican native, an adjunct instructor in Communication Studies and an Academic Technology Specialist at Arkansas State University (ASU). His professional background is in education, banking and financial systems, sales and service management, as an integrator, trainer and financial analyst. He has a teaching diploma in Math and Science, an M.B.A. in Finance and Banking, a M.A. in Communication Studies and an M.S. in Information Systems and E-Commerce.  Prior to joining the ASU Steve worked as Regional Sales Director and trainer for a commercial bank in Jamaica. Over the past 3 years at ASU he has been teaching Oral Communication to freshmen and sophomores. His research interests include international business communication, intercultural communication, organizational communication, educational software and technology.