Found in a Foot Locker

The Forgotten Sacrifice of Robert L. Todd

by Paul W. R. Kelly



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 16/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 220
ISBN : 9781438942537

About the Book

If like me you have an interest in military history, have you ever visited a military war grave cemetery? Walking past the immaculate rows of headstones, at first I tend to look at each individual name in detail, but after a while the names just fade to a blur because there are just so many of them. Soon you are no longer looking at the name but the battalion or regiment, and in the bigger cemeteries after about fifty rows of headstones, the scale of loss is so great it is impossible to appreciate every single stone marker.


Standing back and looking at the whole scene, it’s difficult to remember that each one of those headstones symbolises one lost person, a husband, a father or a brother. Each headstone is a permanent reminder that he [or she] had a face, a family, and a story to tell, a story that saw them lose their lives for the defence of others, surely worth remembering, but as you look again around the cemetery, how many people’s stories buried in there are known to anyone at all?



This book is about one of those stories, Sgt Robert L. Todd.

 Nine men lost their lives at 6am on the morning of 5th April 1945 in a B-17 takeoff accident in Cambridgeshire, England. In the scheme of things you might say that nine men in a war that took millions is nothing, hardly worth remembering, but when we see their faces, when we hear their friends and colleagues talk about them with such reverence, suddenly for a moment they become the most important story of all. Robert Todd’s story was literally ‘Found in a Foot Locker’ many years after his death, and this is my attempt to share his experience with you.


About the Author

   Paul W R Kelly has been reading, collecting and researching Allied Forces Militaria of the First and Second World Wars for over twenty years.

   In recent times, his work has been focused on researching and understanding the people's story, finding named or serial numbered militaria and researching the original owner, in this most recent case the book 'Found in a Foot Locker' travels from a rusty locker in the south of England, to the barren Arizona desert in search of the truth.

   In 2008 the author was a material contributor for a Michigan Television TV Documentary which won an EMMY award for the "Best Local Historical Documentary."

   Paul lives on the beautiful English coastline of Northumberland with his wife and children.