Heading for Oregon

Living in a Sod House Beside the Oregon Trail

by Clara Kirkpatrick Lau



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/05/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 152
ISBN : 9781438943480

About the Book

The stories in this book brings alive the experiences that I, Clara Kirkpatrick Lau, and my sibling brothers and sisters, mother and father had living during those difficult pioneer days from 1885 to 1890 when we left our farm in Lenora, Kansas.  We headed northwest by covered wagon to join up with the Oregon Trail wagon train. Our journey was soon interrupted by unexpected circumstances to live on the plains of Nebraska before finally continuing onto Oregon by train in 1890.

About the Author

During the early,1930 and 1940s I, Clara Kirkpatrick and a young teacher, took “pen in hand and wrote my memories of living on the plains of Nebraska in a sod house.  I was ten years old at the time and the experiences of life had a profound effect on me.  When I wrote these stories years later, I was an elementary school teacher.  Thus, I wrote in a  manner that would appeal to my young students and adults.