Waste Not, Want Not

Why We Will Never Win Another War!!

by J.T. Storm



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/05/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438948539

About the Book

                                WASTE NOT, WANT NOT



 In the world of bailouts, stimulus packages, CEO’s million dollar bonuses, comes more news to ponder and think about. More than thirty four percent of all Americans over the age of twenty-one are classified as being obese. These are not my thoughts or observations; they are statistics that can be viewed and found by anyone that wants to see! They are just facts!

 Waste Not, Want Not just brings to light some things that most people already know. Public knowledge and putting it together can be interesting and frightening at times, but can be also very informative. Knowledge is power???

 To everyone that has read my first book, Pushing the Envelope, welcome back to part two. For all you first time readers I hope that you enjoy the read. The main goal is to inform and educate the readers. Who knows, maybe the right person will pick up this book, read it and decide to make a change.

CHANGE!!  Why does this sound so familiar???

About the Author

Career Law Enforcement Professional, ,Criminal Profiler, Certified Interview and Interrogator Specialist, Cerified Fire and Explosion Investigator, Intelligence Analysis, Counter Terrorism and Hate Crime Investigator, Gang Investigator, Former Military