Charlie asked, “Before, when you said Dad was in heaven, did you mean his soul was in heaven?”
“Right. Daddy’s heart stopped beating, so there was no more life in his body. Earthly life. But when he died, his soul went to heaven,” Mom explained.
Charlie’s questions continued, “Can we see the Holy Spirit or our soul?”
“No, we only see our bodies which contain the Holy Spirit and the soul. It’s like our bodies are a vessel, a container that houses the soul.”
“Then how do you know they’re there? How do you know we have a Holy Spirit and soul?” It seemed the more answers Charlie received, the more questions he had.
Mom thought awhile, then asked, “Charlie, can you see the wind?”
Charlie looked out the window and saw the branches and leaves moving in the moonlight. “Sure, I can see the wind.”
“Can you? You see branches and leaves moving. You hear wind chimes. When you’re outside, you feel the wind against your face. You see its effects, you hear it, you feel it. But, if you think about it, you don’t see the wind. You can’t see wind because you can’t see air. You’re seeing the effects of the wind when you see branches sway and chimes chime. You can’t see the wind, yet you know it’s there by what it’s changing. It’s the same thing with the Holy Spirit and our soul. You can’t see them, but based on how you live and the choices you make, it reveals if you are living according to how God wants you to live. That’s the Holy Spirit and your soul.”
Charlie was quiet for awhile. His mom started to get up, thinking he must have fallen asleep. But Charlie surprised her and said, “I guess you could say we are like puppets. God makes our bodies, like Mr. Vento makes the puppets. God gives us life, like Mr. Vento does by moving the puppets with his hands.”
“That’s true, Charlie. The only difference is that we get to choose what we do; the puppets have to follow Mr. Vento. They don’t have a choice.”
“Dad definitely lived how God wanted him to live,” Charlie commented.
Charlie’s mom smiled and agreed, as tears filled her eyes. She leaned over and kissed Charlie good night. “I love you, Charlie,” she said.
“Love you too, Mom,” Charlie said as she watched his eyes close.