By This Devotion; I Love You

by Martin Bector



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 09/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 364
ISBN : 9781449065508

About the Book

The author took 10 years of his life to cross the United States of America in a search to find the answer to bring the next step to the government because the Flower Children were doing drugs and the rewards on this earth were not recognized. The present world is built in the identity to the seasons. The new world must be built in the identity to the language.

The book is a fictions story written in a way that the reader can begin to recognize that the Great Spirit put the author to recognize that the New Testament Revelation was put in error as a message for religion. The answers became with the author to bring the New Testament Revelation to be a message fro business bringing the mathematic system to the base 10 to be in the identity to the sun and the 9 planets in this solar system as the language of numbers revealing the answers to build the new world as heaven on this earth instead of going back to God to be in heaven.

This book is about searching for ways to build a communication around this earth delivering the translation of the number language in to the languages of sounds, letters, circles, colors, forms, and images bringing the lost communication with the life beyond this earth revealing the answers to build the new world on this earth. The 7 ways of the language numbers, sounds, letters, circles, colors, forms, and images are the 7 Thunders told about in the New Testament Revelation. The author has removed the personal identity to mankind and he removed the identity to the animals. The 666 became like a pin number on a credit card revealing the language of men in the formulas 6, 6-66, 666 and through 12 identity to the formula for the letters BCT.

About the Author

The author is Native American Indian and Castilian Spanish with inheritance to Kingdoms on both sides of this earth. All the people here before the author have died and passed into dearth. The author met the Great Spirit of this side of this earth. The Great Spirit proved to the author that the Spirit of God's Love, the Holy Spirit, and the Great Spirit are the same Spirit as this earth turns about its axis. This truth can be recognized as the mind of this earth.

The ancestry of the author has not been wanted by the government. When the author was a tiny baby a pair of scissors was used to clip off the tip of the author's tongue. Cleaning acid was corkscrewed into the author's mouth and the author was thrown to the floor to stop his screaming. The author was tied spread eagle at the wrists and ankles to a crib and punished to make him move so he would out grow the paralysis. Then the author was thrown out of a speeding car on to a concert gutter. The author remembers God telling him to live.