Simon Sez: A Glass Half Full, or Half Empty, Still Has Enough Left for a Drink

by James W Haworth



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 23/12/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781468531022

About the Book

"Each day, I look forward to Jim's unique perspectives on life and its challenges. Without question, his sayings leave me pondering his points and always put a smile on my face. I enjoy reading parts of his books to my children.”
    Thomas Schleeter, MD, FACC, Cardiologist

“Thank you for sharing your wit and wisdom. I enjoy reading about things that, I too, have thought of many times before; however, you put in perspective, life's ups and downs, and how we all may be able to look at things with a little more wit and wisdom.”
    Sherry Reckas, Circle City Reporting, Indianapolis

"A modern day James Whitcomb Riley, who uses wisdom, philosophy and commentary on things mundane or spiritual to spread his view of life and how to live it well.”
    Margaret Bakker, retired teacher, and musician

"Thought provoking... sometimes funny...sometimes sad, a source of comfort or confirmation, but always entertaining.”
    Sandra K Knapp, USA Gymnastics

"These thoughts might even be the key to a happier life"
    Morton Tavel, MD, FACC, Cardiologist

About the Author

Jim was born near Woodland California in 1941. He spent his early childhood in Northern California, Reno Nevada. When both of his parent had died by the time he was 10 years old, he was adopted by his Aunt and Uncle and moved to Duluth Minnnesota. He moved to the St. Louis area in 1953 and attended a Quaker boarding school (Olney Friends) in the rolling hills of Southeastern Ohio, and then Earlham College in Richmond Indiana.

He has worked in the health care field from then till the present in the field of Ultrasound technology. Early in his career, he did Obstetrical, Abdominal, Cardiac, Vascular and Neo-natal Ultrasound. The last twenty years he had concentrated on Cardiac and Vascular Ultrasound in Indianapolis, Indiana.

This ecclectic background provided the stimulation for the aphorisms, words of wisdom, poetry and short stories that he has been inspired to write over the past twenty years. His chief aid in this part of his life was the Apple MacIntosh he bought in the first 100 days it was offered in 1984 because he wanted a computer that was user friendly.

He first just collected these sayings together and gave them to his children at Christmas time. Because he had only seen his brothers in California a few times since moving East, he decided to organize his sayings and publish a book to share his thoughts and life with them. He published that first book, "Wit and Wisdom from the Wild and Wacky World of Simon Stargazer III" in 2006, followed by "Simon Sez: You're the Expert on You" in 2009. He also sends out a weekly positive thought by e-mail once a week.

All of his sayings come from personal experience and generally are inspired by people and events around him in daily life. Overall these sayings might be considered to be small tips for a happy and successful life.

Because each book contains sayings (aphorisms) poetry and short stories, there is something for everyone, and one can pick almost any page in the books and find something short and to the point to read.