Moments In Mind

Life in poetic verse

by Katie Hull



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/08/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 160
ISBN : 9781449001100

About the Book

Baring her soul, the author takes you, the reader on a journey through her life within the pages of her first book Moments in Mind. An inspiring heart felt account of life so far leaving the reader with a real sense of stepping into the authors shoes. So ramble through this myriad of poetry to reveal a few of life’s, trials and trivia, tears and cheer. From the fields of war and heartache, hopping over to the style to new pastures of magic, laughter and fun, Moments in Mind is sure to trespass into the imagination and stir the senses of all who read. Appealing to readers of all ages and from all walks of life whom can surely relate and share life’s frustrations and joy.

About the Author

Katie Hull was borne in Singapore in 1982 and raised in Dorset, England where she was educated. Her fascination with creative writing, especially poetry was sparked with the roller coaster of emotions that young adulthood brought. In the year 2000, she studied at agricultural college after spending her childhood on horseback throughout the Dorset countryside. After working many different jobs and in search of a worthwhile career, in 2003, she joined the Royal Air Force where not only her poetry but creative writing flourished with diary’s and memoirs from life in the forces. Now, six years later with her first book Moments In Mind, the author shares her collection with her readers. Currently living Oxford and finding time around her unusual work commitments, she still finds time to ride horses, tend to her first crop of strawberries as she works on her next book of memoirs and poetry.