The Price Of Freedom

From 3/25 Akron, Ohio to 2/25 Garden City, New York. A Nigerian American Account of Operation Iraq Freedom

by Kingsley Uzukwu



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/11/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781449038328
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 224
ISBN : 9781449038311

About the Book

The Price of Freedom, which is part one honorable Marine/Veterans memoir of a riveting wartime experience in Iraq and other part political commentary, offers a clarion call to freedom loving people in the world, in particular Americans, Iraqis and Nigerians.  With candor The Price of Freedom sheds light on the Superman myth of the U.S. Marine, and why for some in the armed services it has become awkward to open up and share battle scars.

Kingsley Uzukwu, has crafted a powerful cathartic work, which honors fallen soldiers and promises to be balm for some loved ones, for others an unleash of salty tears and yet for another an aha moment  or even still a battle cry.    He offers an authentic voice, crying in the wilderness.  He speaks in plain terms of how Iraqi Freedom has impacted us all to become casualties, He paints with broad strokes the tender lives of World Trade Center casualties, the uncensored lives of Marines and delicate blossoms of friendship and love. He weaves an unforgettable account, sometimes hauntingly eerie.  He fittingly portrays Marines as responsible leaders and salutes his Marine comrades in penning The Price of Freedom.  He showcases the full complement/leadership skill set, including intelligence, communication, technology, decision making and problem solving in tactical environments, possessed by Marines. With surgical precision he describes our troops and their rigorous training to adhere to appropriate rule of engagement and escalation of force.     

The author addresses moral and ethical dilemmas (e.g. What difference, if any, exists between killing and murder in war?) coupled with leadership beyond national boundaries, though he points out a U.S. visa to be at a premium in Nigeria and highlights the prize that full U.S. citizenship holds for others in the world. 

About the Author

Kingsley Uzukwu is the middle child of Nze and Lolo Sebastine N. Uzukwu.  His parents valued discipline, integrity, hard work, and the dividends of quality education. They shouldered the high tuition and living expenses for his parochial education in Nigeria.

Early influences in his life included the church. He had the privilege of attending private schools from kindergarten to college in Nigeria. His educational journey began at the Library Venue Umuahia, followed by University Primary School Etiti. Upon graduating top of the class, that paved the way to being admitted in to St. Peters’ Seminary Okigwe under the mentorship and leadership of Monsignor Luke Ilonu. There he got his Diploma in Latin and his high school certificate.  


Kingsley Uzukwu migrated to the United States. His educational journey started at Cuyahoga Community College. He graduated top one percent of his class and continued to Youngstown States University on a full time scholarship. He is a Scholar, Honor Graduate, has a double Major in Political Science and Philosophy and graduated 'Summa Cum Laude" at YSU. As a United States Marine, he graduated from Paris Island and Mastered in his military occupation at Camp Le Jeune North Carolina. Kingsley Uzukwu served twice in "Operation Iraq Freedom"  He took many billets while in Iraq and through his knowledge of Arabic served as Interpreter for his Unit in Iraq. As a Highly Decorated Honorable Veteran, Kingsley Uzukwu through his experiences at the Model United Nation Organization hopes to be part of an International solution seeking effort in helping troubled and poverty ravaged Nations especially Africa. As a father, Kingsley Uzukwu hopes that the world he leaves for his children, loved ones and children of this generation and future generation will be a peaceful world free of terror.