My Mad Book

I Get Mad and Granny Says It's Ok

by Barbara Musselman



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 25/08/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 40
ISBN : 9781438994383

About the Book

Christian is my grandson and his daddy left home when he was 3 years old. He didn't understand why and became very angry and mad. He also felt betrayed and lonely. He found he could not control his temper and was often sad. One day I sat Christian down and said, "I understand you are angry, but you need to stop hitting and kicking things." Christian said, "I am not angry Granny: I am mad." I started telling him stories, using pictures, about a little boy that was angry and together Christian and I wrote this book. Whenever Christian gets mad, he and I or his Mommy talk about it.  Christian says "I need my mad book because it will make me feel better." He takes his book with him everywhere.

This book teaches children that it is ok to be mad because everyone gets mad. Through these stories children and adults can learn ways to effectively process their anger. I also found a way to show Christian how to act out his anger and what is appropriate behavior and that there are consequences to every action.  Christian's favorite story is "The Grocery Store." He loves to get a cookie when we go to the store because it makes him happy. What makes you happy? When you read this book, you can pick the story that makes you happy. You should carry this book everywhere you go so if you get mad or sad you can read a story to make you feel better.

I would like to dedicate this book to Christian because I couldn't have done it without him.

About the Author

Barbara has been writing since she was in college and earned her degree in Sociology. She has written several non fiction works and is currently writing a book about her own life.  In 2008 her son-in-law walked out leaving her grandsons' and daughter behind. She found herself worried about her oldest grandson Christian because he was so sad and mad. This prompted her to write a book about being mad and that it is ok to feel those emotions. This is her first children's book.

Barbara is one of five children that were born to a very creative mother and a father that was in the military. Barbara's mother would often create stories of distant countries and places they would pretend to visit. She passed her ability to fantasize on to her children.  Barbara often counted on her creative mind in making up stories of different adventures.