The Book of Man: An Instructional Guide to Handling Your Man

by Ericka Y. Prentice & Andy W. Hodges



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 06/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438996806
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 108
ISBN : 9781438996813

About the Book

This book is the book you always knew existed but could never get your hands on in hardcopy.  This is an insightful and humorous examination of the "bloodsport" we call dating.  Make no mistakes the content is taken very seriously but is presented in an interesting and engaging manner.  The authors are average people that have waded waist deep in the proverbial dating cesspool and felt the need to examine and document the behavior and hopefully, provide a remedy for this devastating phenomenon. The authors are of the understanding and belief that our dating behavior spills over into all facets of our lives and has long term effects for us and future generations.  It is their hope that this book will have enough of an impact on those that read it that the behavior will be altered and we will see a marked improvement in how we date.

About the Author

The authors have been formally educated at the school of Hard Knocks and have received multiple advanced degrees at the University of Life.  On a serious note, both are passionate about helping benefit the greater good through honest and frank discussion about dating and relationship issues and the social impact thereof.  Both have given many hours of volunteerism and working in various venues of social activism.  There is a shared belief that as you give so to you must profit and it is hoped that what is given has a large and wide-ranging impact and goes a long way towards improving the dating atmsophere.