After the Dogwood Blossoms

by Michael W. Crist



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 29/07/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 328
ISBN : 9781449011901

About the Book

    A dream of many years has come to fruition.  For many years, growing up, I was encouraged to be a writer by my mother.  She told me to experience life and one day I will have the heart to write a great book.
    I began sailing the Chesapeake Bay in my sixteen foot Hobie cat when I was a preteen.  As I gained experience, I grew braver and ventured across the bay and into some of the major rivers that flowed into it.  One day, about midday, I was sailing up the York river and I met a young Mattiponi boy about my same age.  I offered to take him for a ride on my cat and a friendship developed.
    When I graduated from high school, I attended a small college in North Carolina.  The Vietnam war was developing so I felt it was my duty to join the service.  I became a Navy photographer.      When my tour of duty was completed, I decided  to return to college and get my degree.  I graduated with a BS in elementary education 4-7.
     I enjoyed my career of 28 years of teaching but I hadn't met my goal to write a book. Having taught about the Woodland Powhatan Indians throughout the years, I focused my research and learned about and visited close local tribe sights and museums.  I retired from teaching to write my book.
    After many reams of paper and constant editing and revising, my two plus years of writing finally became hopeful reality.
    We all have watched Apache raids in movies and on tv and read James F. Cooper's Last of the Mohicans but what about a story about Indian life before the invasion of the alien British Colonists.  Who were the Tidewater Woodland Powhatan Indians and what is their story?

                                                                               Michael Crist

About the Author

    A dream of many years have come to fruition.  For many years, growing up, I was incouraged to be a writer by my mother.  She told me to experience life and one day I will have the heart to write a great book.
    I began sailing the Chesapeale Bay in my sixteen foot Hobie cat when I was a preteen.  As I grew older, I grew braver and ventured across the bay and into some of the rivers that flow into it, from the west.  One summer day I was sailing up the York River and I met a young Mattaponi boy my same age.  I offered to take him for a ride and a friendship developed.
    When I graduated from high school, I went to a small North Carolina college.  The Vietnam war was developing so I felt that it was my duty to join the service.  I became a shipboard Navy photographer.
    When my tour of duty was completed, I decided to return to college and graduated from Old Dominion University with a BS in education 4-7.
    I enjoyed my career of 28 years but hadn't met my goal to write a book.  Having taught about the Tidewater Woodland Powhatan Indians throughout the years, I focused my research and learned about and visited local tribe sights and museums. I retired from teaching to write my book
    After two years and reams of paper, my dream finally brightened with hopeful reality.  Who were the Powhatan Indians before the alien British colonists?  One young brave's rite of passage and lifeskills during his discovery of manhood.