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The premise of this book
Philosophers and scientists have pondered and ponder the important questions of life. But man finds out the truths about the universe slowly, as he researches and contemplates. Man has been made in “God’s image and likeness.” He has given him a brain similar to His. He expects him to use his brain to seek out the truth. The truth about God is the truth that man must know immediately in order to lead a proper life.
The premise of this book is that all important questions concerning life are answered in the Holy Bible. Realize that whatever your problem, the Bible has the answer. But first realize that the Bible was written so that God could reveal Himself to man. Once man realizes that God is love, and that He wants man to strive to emulate this love, then man will truly be able to live a life of peace. Life is simple, but man makes it complicated by wrong thinking. There are thousands of objects and thoughts that man can consider, but man only has to consider a relatively small number of subjects in order to lead a proper life. Based on this fact, this book will attempt to cover these subjects in less than 300 pages. Once we have considered and made the proper decision on each of these subjects, we will get back on the straight and narrow path of life, and we will truly live.
This book shows how man can unite himself with God through his daily practices. God did not make man to be continuously frustrated by the universe. He did not make man so that only great theologians could know Him. God wishes every man to know Him, and He reveals Himself to all in accordance with their degree of faith. In this book we will show you how to live all facets of your life so as to be pleasing to Him and consequently get closer and closer to Him.
We will start our survey of life by first considering the individual man then groups of men, and then proceed to greater and greater areas until we reach God. Specifically, these are the areas that we will cover: mind, body, education, religion, home, occupation, society, municipalities, counties, states, nation, world, universe, and God. We will first consider the individual. The individual consists of mind and body. We start in this chapter with the consideration of the mind.
In the twentieth century man made tremendous strides in knowledge in all fields. But instead of man’s logic improving it has probably become worse. Many people glibly accept the statement that anything is possible. This has come about for a number of reasons. The greatness and frequency of scientific discoveries in the past 200 years, has given man airs that he is capable of doing anything. Observing impossible scenes in the movies and on television gradually impresses the mind that these things are possible. In addition, there is the influence of mass media advertising and computer games. And, lastly, the statement “anything is possible” is made without any thought because we hear it said by others so often. Although it is readily seen that everything is not possible, the expression “anything is possible” is firmly embedded in many people’s minds.
But if we stop and think, we know of things that are impossible and we are absolutely positive that they will always be impossible. It is true that there are things that we thought to be impossible at one time but later became possible. These things came about because of advances in science. Man used what was available in the universe to make these things come about.
Nevertheless, there are things in the universe that never change. A few examples from mathematics and science should suffice: Two parallel lines will never meet. Two particles of matter will never repeal each other. Two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen will never produce anything else but water.
If everything were possible, this world would not follow the various physical laws that it follows perfectly, but, rather, it would be in complete chaos. The truth in this matter is that “Everything is possible with God” only.
The Devil is constantly looking for ways with which he can entrap man. The best definition of the Devil is that he is the Liar. His most terrible lie is the statement that “Everything is possible.” If everything were possible, we could do anything and we would all be gods. Because of mass media propaganda and laziness of mind, we suffer from fuzzy thinking. In this book we will point out that the impossible occurs only when God performs His miracles. This book, based on the Bible, shows what should be thought about and done so as to get back on the “straight and narrow path” which leads to unity with God.