'Crucifixion' of the Child

by Richard Heim



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/11/2009

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781449032135
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781449032128

About the Book





  • Life subjects that often confound and confuse


  • Guidance on such items as resistance to freedom, removal of mule bite and kick marks,*, crookedness, shamelessness, revenge ,vulgarity,the unknown and the unknowable; then, there is depressed consciousness.


  • Exposure and analysis as religious and intellectual fraud such things as President Obama's "Man in the pulpit",RICK WARREN’s bestseller,  THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE, which in the author's view is well meant but written and conceived from a juvenile stage of mind and in effect, promoting and preserving juvenality in adults by religious teachings that reflect a WORLD-BY-MAGIC position in place of a WORLD-BY-LOGIC one, normal for whole adults,
  • .Similar effects are had by the standard religious doctrine in most religions prevalent over the ages and today including killing in the name of God, constructive slavery (usually women) and stealing as in the current state of affairs in Venezuela,
  • The role of child maltreatment in fomenting the above with its resultant trance, the original lie and the ultimate life-lie, that is, that children do not matter and that one can think his way in or out of anything,

·        Such trance behavior allows the election of persons who are addicts, law breakers, marital cheaters and ego-feeders,

·        The emotionally hard work required to break that trance and to be free from the stubborn contamination that is to blame for the state of the world. It allows a reclaiming of vulnerability and an abandonment of cerebralization.

·        The unknowable mystery of God and the juvenile obsession to discover and dissect. God, the Creator, is also God, the Destroyer

( ie., Acts of God) , Most reject or hide from that part.

·        Child abuse-dominated nations like North Korea and Iran, one being in an atheist trance and the other, a theist one, as stark examples.

About the Author

RICHARD HElM IS A NYC metropolitan area native who received his bachelor of Science degree locally and his doctorate in Boston. He has long been interested in the mechanics of child mistreatment and neglect and the effects on society, the law, government and religion and the many gross misconceptions abounding.

Heim has had extensive hands-on experience with troubled families and mistreated children.

His varied interests include music composition, oil painting with solo and group exhibitions in New York City and elsewhere including as a member of Pleiades Gallery in Soho. Extensive experience with volunteer service includes hospital work in the ER and other departments, Chairman of the Selective Service Board #23 for 12 years, work for PBS-TV (Channels 24 in Connecticut and 13 in NYC), work for Amnesty International in NYC, work on the 1988 Bush Presidential campaign, and other volunteer endeavors. 

Past jobs include laborer, musician, tutor in languages and as as Pharmaceutical researcher, house painter and other occupations.

 Heim is the author of ORIGIN OF MISERY, 2002, rev. 2005,ISBN 14208- 7975-8 ( nonfiction exploring the famous Changewater murders of Warren CountY,N.J. in 1843 with the execution of 2 innocent men in 1845 and parallels to modern society and jurisprudence). He also authored VERTICAL VERSE, 2006, Brunswick, ISBN 978-1-55618-213-6, a thematic verse collection on the banishment of human joy thru child maltreatment; GRACE UPON THE Rack, a 25-stanza verse published in April,2005,Venture Literary Magazine, Boston; and THE ORIGINAL LIE, 2007, Polygon, ISBN 978-0-9764768-3-2, a novel exposing the rampant misconceptions that adhere to the standard line in the childhood, life and works of Eugene O'Neill, the Nobel Prize and 4-time Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright. That book was added to the Collection of American Literature at Yale University, The Eugene O'Neill Foundation Library and the and the collection at the University of Texas at Austin, Ransom Center.