The Scrapping Sky Pilot

by Keith W. Hudson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/12/2009

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449044039
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449044022

About the Book

.“The Scrapping Sky Pilot” chronicles the early life of the Rev. J.U. Robins, as he grew up in Port Rowan, a small village on Lake Erie in southern Ontario and as a young man, taught in Detroit. Then after hearing the “Call” of God headed West to British Columbia in the late 1800’s to open Churches in Rossland, Golden and serve in Revelstock and Sandon British Columbia. Mission life was hard, dangerous and had its humourous times. Leaving his true love thousands of miles behind was one of the hardest things he did. The man, places and many of the events are true. The people he interacted with over these years are fictional The source for this novel comes from a tape recording, made on an old reel to reel tape that Robins made when he was well into his eighties. I praise God that he shared such rich stories with the family and now I take this opportunity to share them with you. May you loose yourself in a time long ago, in snow storms, lumber camps, fights and a love that lasted a life time - through the stories of a man who “fought” for God. Shalom Keith

About the Author

Keith Hudson is the grandson of the Rev. J.U. Robins . For over 35 years Hudson has worked with individuals with a developmental challenge as Executive Director for Community Living Associations in Mississauga, London and Brant County in Ontario Canada.

Over this period of time Hudson has been very involved in the United Church of Canada and Presbyterian Church in Canada, working for the United Church on two occassions as a Youth Worker in the Downtown of Toronto and Hamilton and has provided Lay Sunday Supply to many Churches in Southwestern Ontario.

Hudson is married to Fran, who is the Coordinator of the Canadian Association for Parshing Nursing Ministry and a Parish Nurse at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church in Ingersoll Ontario where both are active members. Fran has been a gem reading and re-reading this book and giving her sage advice, plus acting as my editor for this book. Thank You!

The Hudson's have two grown children and three very special grandchildren, Tori, Josh and Haley. Hopefully this story will be a gift to them and bring alive their Great-Great-Grandfather, the Rev. Joseph U. Robins.