Spiritual Intelligence and The Neuroplastic Brain

A Contextual Interpretation of Modern History

by Charles W. Mark, Ph.D.



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449043339
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 336
ISBN : 9781449043322

About the Book

Our brains are getting wired differently in the world of digital technology, information revolution, and in the inter-cultural world of global society. Think of the new vocabulary: Global brain, collective intelligence, global village, and cyberspace. That should tell us something about the neural rewiring that is taking place inside of our brains, whether or not we are aware of it. The fact that the human brain changes throughout a person’s life in response to intellectual stimulation, physical exercise, exposure to new cultural environments, learning opportunities, and challenges is a revolutionary discovery. Till twenty years ago neuroscientists believed in the conventional theory that the brain’s ability at making new neural connections stopped before a child entered adolescence. That is the old dogma.

There is a “Second Copernican Revolution” taking place inside of our brains, writes the author, quoting Carl Zimmer. Some experts are suggesting that we are already living in what Richard Restack calls the “neurosociety.” Ray Kurzweil, the futurist, is predicting that by 2045 A.D., human beings will be living in an era of “singularity,” when non biological machines invented by human brains and human ingenuity are going to outsmart human intelligence billions of times.

What is going to be the fate of the human spirit, human spirituality, the feeling of connection to a force and power that is greater than us (God), our ability to use spiritual imagination and our intelligence? Are we progressively moving away from religion and community-based spirituality into the “spirituality of different strokes for different folks?” In his groundbreaking book, Spiritual Intelligence and The Neuroplastic Brain: A Contextual Interpretation of Modern History, Charles W. Mark takes the reader on a journey through modern history and shows the glimpse of what is to come.


About the Author

Charles Mark was born in India, and he shares his insights on history, religion and spirituality from his background as an associate professor of History of Religions and Christianity as well as from his twenty-five years experience as an ordained minister in the United Methodist Church. Charles received his Bachelor’s Degree in Theology (B.D.) from Leonard Theological College, Jabalpur, and Senate of Serampore, Calcutta, India. He earned his Master in Theology Degree (M.Th.) from United Theological College, Bangalore, India. Charles spent a year as a special student at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, in preparation for his doctoral studies (1980-81). Charles earned his PH.D in intercultural history from Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, New Jersey (1988).