Five Tongues of Alexander Kanevsky
Book Details
About the Book
This is the first in the history of mankind book of poetry written in five languages by the same author. The five poems are rhymed and ranging from 47 to 416 lines. Not of a surprise that this is created by the first in the history of human affiliations man of 12 occupations in creative fields of humanitarian knowledge: painter, sculptor, poet, novelist, playwright, healer, surgeon, psychoanalyst, actor, singer, martial artist, and politician.
About the Author
Alexander Kanevsky is the world renown artist, winner of First International Award in Fine Arts, author of 16 books, whereof novels ".Journey into life and death", "Crys", and theatre play "Salamandra" are published. This is the first published book of poetry. Alexander is also a remarkable healer, physician, martial artist and politician. This outstanding work of never tried hitherto in the world of men writing poetry by one author in five languages is but another opportunity to show one of many unprecedental talents and singular genius of Alexander Kanevsky. Born near