My Pandora's Box

by R W Cope



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 26/03/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 144
ISBN : 9781449050634

About the Book

My Pandora’s Box is a beautifully written easy to read compilation of reminiscences, stories and musings.  Its purpose is to entertain, provoke thought and discussion.  Sometimes contentious, these essays are based on the experiences of the Ronald Cope and that of the interesting people he has met in his varied life as an Army Officer, Accountant and Managing Director of an Engineering Company with worldwide connections.


Politics, religion, the supernatural, romance and intrigue.  No subject is taboo.  Has the Orwellian view of Big Brother finally arrived?  What is the true meaning of Easter?  Is there Prudence in Politics?  These and many other questions are discussed.  Romance spanning decades, and supernatural events sit comfortably side by side with haggis farms and hot cross buns. 


This book is not easily classified fact or fiction; it is something for the reader to decide.  Ronald Cope has set out to entertain and stimulate thought and he achieves this magnificently!

About the Author

Born in an old mill house, February 1920 into a talented family who had contacts in classical music and engineering, Ronald Cope has had a varied and interesting life.  After attending an historic public school as a boarder, he was articled to a firm of accountants in Fleet St, London.  His career was interrupted by the outbreak of war in 1939, when he voluntarily enlisted in the Army.  He was commissioned and responsible for transporting tanks from Dunkirk through France into Belgium, Holland Germany and Czechoslovakia.  When peace was declared he was dispatched to serve in Egypt and Palestine, prior to the setting up of the State of Israel. 


After de-mob in 1946 he completed his accountancy training, and in partnership with Vivian Frank dealt with the accounts of many of the leading lights in both business, and entertainment at that time.  On the retirement of his father he joined the family firm, and took over as Managing Director; running a successful engineering business with his brother dealing with a broad portfolio of customers in both in the UK and abroad.


He has visited many countries both for business and pleasure, including the USSR during communist rule, made contacts in several African countries, and acted as surrogate parent for the son of one of his Ghanaian customers.


He has two children and four grand-children.  His talented wife sadly died shortly after they celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary.


Now in retirement he has become an Author and has already written two autobiographies spanning some 80 years, and a series of interesting short stories.