No More Drama in My Life

by Monique W. Johns



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 10/01/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 140
ISBN : 9781456729264

About the Book

Drama, as I see it, is a lack of order or control (chaos) that is often times self inflicted. In John 10 Jesus is quoted as saying that the purpose of him coming was that we would have “life and have it abundantly”. In other words it is God's plan that we live a drama free life. No More Drama provides insight and illumination on the dark areas of our lives. It shares the honest truth about what causes drama and how to remove drama from your life. In this book you will discover the following.

  • What is drama?
  • The affects of Drama.
  • How to live a Drama free lifestyle
  • The blessing of adhering to divine order

The key to victory in life is to identify self-defeating behavior and make proper adjustments. No More Drama provides the road map to overcoming life's challenges in the areas of:

  • Relationship (Single & Married)
  • Finances
  • Church
  • Family

It is my prayer and belief that everyone can live a life of joy and inner fulfillment. I wrote this book because I have a passion to see people win in life. You can experience Gods best for your life by applying proven principles for success. We must take on the responsibility for controlling your own destiny . Success is never an accident; so we must plan to win. You and I must declare NO MORE DRAMA IN YOUR LIFE.

About the Author

Monique, is a wife, a Pastor, a motivational speaker, and mother of four. At age eight she was molested and the wounds from that experience left her searching for inner healing from her relationship with God. She had to overcome many obstacles and shares the truth plainly and honesty. She has a passion to see people succeed and live a victorious life. Her words are up front, direct and motivate a change of lifestyle that will last forever.

Devoted to the vision of the ministry of Heavens Gate Ministries, she assists her husband, Timothy W. Johns, their mission is to Love, Encourage, Discipleship and live and move by faith.