Sins of Men

by Anthony S. DiAngelio



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 05/01/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 536
ISBN : 9781449063030

About the Book

Sins of Men, in the footsteps of Mario Puzo’s works, is an epic drama that continues the traditional Italian Mafia legend that has been lost in Crime novels for the past few decades. This story seeks to bring back the honor and tradition of the original Italian Mafia, while showing that romantic love, through an underlying loyalty, is possible, even for sinful men.


The story follows the journey of Giovanni (Gio) as he struggles with his loyalty to his father and the honor that has been instilled in him by his grandfather, the late Don Longorio, former head of one of the original Italian Mafia dynasties still thriving in Italy.

About the Author

It was his son’s interest in Italy and his heritage that prompted him to recall his thoughts when reading Mario Puzo’s books on the Italian Mafia, remembering then that the emotions illustrated very dramatically in both the movies and books could be staged anywhere. However, it was his son’s interest that purred the telling of this story of self-preservation, love, hate, lust, and fear common to men and women everywhere, of every nationality, race, and religion.