Days We'll Remember All Our Lives

by Steve Little



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 19/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 296
ISBN : 9781452056784

About the Book

The 60s saw great change from the latter stages of the austere post-war years, through the years of “you’ve never had it so good” to pop music, long hair and free love. National Service went, the death penalty went, Man went to the moon, the birth pill arrived to liberate women and much, much more… Throughout all this, the post war baby boomers flourished into teenagers and were to enjoy this changing world. Despite these changes some things stayed the same. School discipline was as rigid as ever – school uniforms remained as ornate as before – parents never had much money - not many families had a car - some had no TV. Teenagers then as now had to cope with the various aspects of puberty, getting to know the opposite sex (always an embarrassing prelude to adulthood!), sit examinations at least twice a year and then decide whether to go on to further education or get a job? They had to walk or cycle everywhere, rarely left the country and had no money but through all of this there were friendships formed that have lasted a lifetime. The eleven year olds of 1960 are now in their dotage but when they went off to secondary school in 1960 little did they know what fun they would have and it certainly was, for most at least, the time of their lives. When they meet now stories are swapped and re-told and seem funny to this day. There were disappointments and even tragedies along the way but it was a defining time for all. In “Days We’ll Remember All Our Lives” these stories have been brought together to show the often hilarious escapades of a group of baby boomers through their teenage years both in and out of school.

About the Author

Steve was born in Chelmsford in 1949 and attended King Edward VI Grammar School from 1960 to 1968. He worked for 40 years in the financial services industry. He first started writing in 2002 and his first fictional book, More Than Just A Life, was published in March 2010. He is currently working on a sequel to that book called Joining Forces but in the mean time has put together Days We’ll Remember All Our Lives which is a collection of largely humorous stories from those 1960s schooldays in Chelmsford. Full details can be found on Steve still coaches football and is a massive Burnley fan and has been for over 50 years. He plays golf and enjoys watching football and cricket. He has been married to Chris since 1971 and has two grown up children and three grandchildren.