The Thirteenth Day

An American Conspiracy WWII Story of the 364th Infantry

by Justinah McFadden



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/08/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781452070599
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 192
ISBN : 9781452070605

About the Book

The Thirteenth Day is a novel surrounding a cover up and conspiracy that occurred during World War II. In 1943 America lost one its largest mass of mankind in one day in the United States Military. Lola, was a toddler during the time her brother Hanson went off to war. Lola believed along with the remainder of their family that Hanson died fighting for his Country. Nearly half a Century later Lola learns from a mysterious letter that her brother Hanson did not die in War but at the hands of a slaughter and cover up. In a grim world of Jim Crowes South where race once mattered more than peace and harmony rested a deep depression. The depression of fear and hatred once spread through the spirit and deep rooted in the soul was uncovered. The Thirteenth Day examines what happens when tragedy turns into forgiveness and understanding. When the truth comes to the light through murder, tragedy, and letters from past soldiers, and Presidents history greets the present on a roller coaster ride .With the past of America speaking from its grave, mingled with conspiracies and melodies of harmony and peace there is no mistake that the past is a lesson to be learned from.


Justinah McFadden truly delivers in this novel and is making her place known in the world of American literature.

About the Author

Five time author Justinah McFadden is diving out of poetry and entering the world of Novelist. She published her first book, Tainted Thoughts on a Purple River in 2004 and since that time she has exploded onto the world of poetry and publishing. The writer currently works in law enforcement and is pursuing becoming an attorney. Justinah's main goal through her writing is to create a vision for readers one which will have them examine their life. Justinah has researched and worked on this novel for nearly five years and marvels it to be her best work. The author is currently working on The Hour of Retribution which will be her second novel. In her free time the author travels to International and local book fairs and enjoys spending time with her pets, family, friends. To learn more about the author visit