The Wolf

by Tina Crayton



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 21/09/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x8.5
Page Count : 36
ISBN : 9781452072197

About the Book

The Wolf Gets Caught and then Escapes ....Be alert, be on watch!! The wolf is looking for someone to devour. Are you awake??? Are you ready??? Ephesians 6:13 says: Put on God's Armor Now!!!  In my first book : The Lost Sheep, The Oldest Brother Saw it all. He knew something had to be done. This time he decides to set up a trap to catch "THE WOLF" 

About the Author

Tina Lorice Crayton is currently a kindergarten teacher working on Long Island, NY. Tina has two children and value the statement " It Takes a Village to Raise a Family."  Thanks to my family and friends : The Craytons,  Andersons,  Eagans, Grahams, Watts, Whitmires, Farrars, Bobcombs, and Johnsons, The Beasley Family, The Davis Family, my colleagues at work, and my Church Family. Special thanks to J. Chung, D. Davis, M. Leakey, D. Burt, R. Nebblett, J. Margaritis, R. Brown and D. Bradford for constant prayer and encouragement.