
How I Went From Company Man to FBI Spy and Exposed the Worst Healthcare Fraud in U.S. History

by John W. Schilling



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/09/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781452055077
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 304
ISBN : 9781452055084

About the Book

When John Schilling, an unassuming midlevel accountant, joined Columbia Healthcare Corporation --

the nation's fastest growing and revolutionary network of public hospitals -- it seemed like the start of an exciting new career with great advancement and earnings potential. He never expected to become a catalyst for the series of "whistleblower" lawsuits that ripped through the healthcare industry in the late 1990s

In Undercover, John Schilling tells the story of his harrowing journey from ordinary citizen and loyal employee to covert FBI informant and top witness for the Justice Department in the largest criminal healthcare fraud case in U.S. history. It began when he stumbled upon evidence-- a $3.5 million accounting "error"--of his company's routine practice of defrauding Medicare. When pressured to comply with stealing from taxpayers, Schilling knew he had to speak up for what he believed was right, regardless of the cost to his job, his reputation, and his family. His courageous choice would consume the next seven years of his life, leading to more drama, angst, turmoil, and money than he could have imagined. Ultimately, Schilling's moral conviction and a little known law, the False Claims Act, paid off by forcing the formidable healthcare conglomerate of Columbia/HCA to pay back $1.7 billion to the federal government.

Revealing the personal side of a thankless role, Undercover is a gripping and inspiring account of a long, hard, life-- changing quest for justice.


"Undercover crackles with authenticity as it recounts in a lively, readable style how a man on the inside risked everything and blew the whistle on a giant healthcare company that was systematically looting the Medicare program out of billions. A good read for anyone, but a must-read for someone who may contemplate taking the same path as John Schilling"

-- John R. Phillips, "The nation's premier whistleblowing attorney" according to the The Wall Street Journal and the National Law Journal

"John Schilling's book is a must-read for whistleblowers. He shows you how hard it can be, yet also shows you how to prevail. Best of all, John shows you how to be a good citizen" -- Jim Moorman, past President, Taxpayers Against Fraud

About the Author

John W. Schilling is a licensed CPA with 20 years of healthcare financial experience. He currently is a partner with EthicSolutions LLC, a consulting firm that assists law firms and governmental agencies with both civil and criminal healthcare fraud cases. Additionally, EthicSolutions LLC provides consulting services to whistleblowers or potential whistleblowers. He lives in Naples, Florida with his wife Kirsten and their three children.