The Intention of it All

Mysteries and Misunderstood Scriptures of the Bible Decoded

by T.C. Ray



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/11/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 392
ISBN : 9781452091020

About the Book

   Within the reader is provided with enlightened versions of selected and some even beloved segments of the Bible that have been previously either translated based on Semite legends, (due to the fact that at the time of translation those were the only historical references available,) or considered “unknowable.” The creation of the universe, earth, and humanity are presented in a manner that falls closer in line with the historical and archeological record as known today, instead of being based on ancient legends and fairy tales. Elements of the Book of Exodus, with passages concerning the 10 commandments and the role of Jethro in the establishment of a democratic form of government, provide the reader with new origins for the judicial and representational branches within our own form of government.

   The “unknowable” elements of the Book of Job, concerning the Lord’s reply to Job in the last few chapters of the book, are presented in a manner that not only suggests that it is indeed knowable, but also reasonable and logical as well, providing a description of the universe and earth that belies the level of knowledge available to humanity at its inception. Certain controversial passages of the New Testament are addressed, such as the Magi, the intent behind the Feast at Cana, and Mary Magdalene’s true role in Jesus’ life and ministry, and this is followed with an interpretation of the symbolism found within the Book of Revelations. All in all, the author provides the reader with a new and different take on certain elements of old scriptures.

About the Author

   T. C. Ray presents the scriptures in a new and refreshing light, by applying recently uncovered archeological and scientific findings to the Bible, retranslating it from the original Hebrew using these findings and data as his guide, instead of the previously used antiquated Semite legends and fairy tales. His ability to do this brings us the beginnings of a modern version of the scriptures that provides us with an evolving Bible in line with 21st century thought for the dynamic personality of the new millennium.

   The author himself is college educated, with a degree in psychology, as well as being a recovering victim of a debilitating spinal cord injury, attained from a 60 foot fall while rock climbing. Being paralyzed at first, this gave the author a lot of free time, during which he spent learning to read Hebrew, where he noticed that when reading the Bible in Hebrew, there were other possible definitions for certain phrases, terms, and words, with most being located in the first several chapters of the Book of Genesis.

   This piqued his curiosity, and caused him to then research era-specific applications of the vernacular used in the ancient texts available in the archaic Hebrew, focusing on secular documents written in Hebrew, and their translations. Using this information as a roadmap, he then reexamined first, the Book of Genesis in an alternate manner, followed by subsequent elements of the Bible as well, such as the Books of Exodus and Job. What was uncovered was no less than amazing, and became the basis for this book.