I'll Be There...

A Story of Family, Friends, and Faith

by Cynthia Eckhart



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 30/09/2010

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781452076560
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781452076553

About the Book

When her best friend Debbie loses her granddaughter to a sudden illness, author Cindy attempts to travel from Texas to North Carolina for the funeral, experiencing humorous roadblocks along the way. Stranded in Atlanta, she reminisces about their many experiences that have made them the women they are today.

 In this true story of growing up in Texas, Cindy reflects on how the strong women in their lives influenced both of them with their wisdom and character. She is reminded how often they have relied on their faith and friendship to get them through both the good and bad times. But Joey's death may be too much for her friend to overcome.

 Now, three years later Cindy has her own medical crisis and calls upon Deb to help her through it all. Can Deb put aside her own grief and be there for her best friend? Or will the possibility of another death push her over the edge?

About the Author

Cynthia is an eighth generation Texan who grew up in San Antonio and the Hill Country. After working many years in banking, she went back to school and earned her teaching certificate. Twenty-two years later, she decided to retire and enjoy beach living on North Padre Island, just outside Corpus Christi. She likes to fish, even though she never catches anything . Her favorite past time is watching people and birds while sitting in her beach chair along the shore. Cynthia and her friend Debbie are currently collaborating on a series of children's books based on their many misadventures. Be sure to visit her web site at www.cynthiaeckhart.com