The Doorway to Knowing: A Guide to Soulful Living
If you are drawn to this book at this time in your life, you are in the process of evolving beyond a survival-based consciousness, and you are ready to be a creator and a co-creator of your reality. We may not like many of our past experiences, and we might find them hard to let go of, yet we must not continue to allow them to define who we are. Instead, we must acknowledge that we are much greater than the events of our chaotic past or our present experiences, and then consciously allow a new internal shift. When we become attached to our experiences, or allow them to define who we are, the mind and ego are in charge—and we have lost touch with our true Self.
Are these things I speak of straightforward, or easy to do? Is it as simple as waving a magic wand? As nice as that would be, the truth is, it takes much courage, discipline, and desire to shift to a new state of Being. Being refers to the state or quality of existence as one’s essential nature (as defined according to the American Heritage Dictionary). Whereas, our essential nature is our expression of our true Self, from an awareness of our Soul, or Christ Consciousness.
What we are seeking is what mankind has searched for since the beginning of time: Our true Self. And if your experience of your journey to Self is anything like mine, you may understand that it has always felt like something greater than your ego-based self has been propelling you forward. For some reason, I have always known that we do not have to live life by a series of default mechanisms we were shown early in life, and that there is another way to live this earthly experience. I have always been aware that, as individuals, we hold a greater truth and power within each of us than the collective human consciousness would want us to believe. On our human journey, we have often forgotten our greater truth, which will only become tangible when we begin to acknowledge it and allow its presence to be felt. We do not step onto the path of awakening and enlightenment for better things, or for a healing of some sort, but rather to reclaim that which we have always been. As we reclaim our true Self and live our potentiality, life begins to unfold in miraculous ways, with less personal effort and direction on our part.
I encourage you to take charge of your life experiences, and choose to walk differently in the world; that is, assuming that you are dissatisfied with your current lot in life. My suggestion is that, when you bump up against a situation in life, stop, take a deep breath, and step back for a moment to gain new clarity. Ask yourself, “From where does this experience originate?” or “Why must I be having this experience at this time in my life?” Wait for an answer, for it will come. Then, take ownership of whatever you are experiencing—do not attempt to project it onto another. Indeed, you must own it, because it is yours. Ask yourself, “Is this indicative of a pattern in my life that I would like to see changed?” and then go within, and ask for your inner guidance or wisdom to come forth.
I know that if you are reading this material, you are ready for a life change, and you are willing to take ownership of your experiences. You have a deep desire to stop having others or random life experiences dictate what you should be experiencing in any moment. You are no longer choosing to be reactive to your world—rather, you are deciding to become proactive, from the inside out.
Again, all of this requires a desire to take charge of your own life experiences and play by your own rules, not someone else’s. As I said before, every situation “Is as it is,” and if it was meant to be different, it would be. In knowing this, we are able to experience our current situation differently. There is an unspoken freedom that comes when we acknowledge that something “just is.”
When we are no longer attached to a situation or its solution, and we are not trying to make it something that it is not, we open the door for our higher Self to come forth, to show us our highest good and the highest good of all concerned. It is then our job to let go, allow, and follow our inner guidance as it directs us on what to do in the moment. As we learn to control our wild thoughts and emotions, our minds and bodies can now become avenues for our higher Selves to express in any given experience. The past cannot be fixed or altered in any way that makes it correct or better—we can only acknowledge it, forgive ourselves for our misperception, and let it go as we shift into a new perception.