The Protectors & Other Stories

by Nasir Mahmood



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 20/04/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781456776848
Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 208
ISBN : 9781456776855

About the Book

This collection of short stories takes its title from one of the stories contained in it: ‘The Protectors’. All stories are basically romantic in nature, but they are not simple love stories. Their themes have all the colours, and their myriad shades, to afford you a panoramic view of the world we live in.

The first story, for example, is that of a boy whose rebellious nature, not accepting the norms of a corrupt society, struggles to achieve a job on the basis of his qualification, and not on the recommendation of a friend. Another story deals in defence of the motherland from the vicious attack of a rival force. Then there is a story which gives a graphic picture of a poverty-stricken housing scheme where women, forgetting about their self-respect, stoop so low as to adopt a life style, both execrable and pitiable… but there are women and there are women!

In brief, the book touches on unemployment, indignity of a religious family, and inheritance inciting to murder. A story each describes the horrendous custom of doing away with female foetuses, the ugly face of feudalism, and foundering efforts of a courtesan to escape to a righteous life. Last but not least is the story of educated youth, who for want of any reasonable job, resort to robbery.

The book takes you along on a journey which unravels a picture of unspeakable misery some people are subjected to. One would feel the milk of human kindness is drying up fast!

One could read these stories with a view to killing time, but if they pause and think… well, that is exactly what these stories are aimed at.

About the Author

Nasir Mahmood is basically a language teacher, and as such, has been teaching at a local college and different venues throughout Glasgow, Scotland. Poetry which was, and still is, very close to his heart, overwhelmed him in such a way, that in 1984 he started writing poems, to the exclusion of everything else. Many of his poems had a story in them which eventually coaxed him to turn his attention to writing short stories. This is his first book, as well as his first collection of short stories. He has been endowed with a restless mind which urges him to write something all the time. He is a professional translator, and he has been translating for different counties in Scotland. Perhaps, it is his ability to translate which helped him to branch out into a serious translator. At present, he is trying to divert his attention to translating small pieces of world literature. He is living a peaceful and contented life in Glasgow, the capital city of his heart!