
by T. W. Spencer

Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 15/12/2010

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 232
ISBN : 9781456713423

About the Book

During the summer of 1991 in Philadelphia, Pa., Matthew Montgomery is down on his luck after his adoptive mother (no father) dies. He leaves college and desperately tries to find work, but no jobs seem to be available. He looks in the newspaper for an open position, but discovers Dr. Lexington offers $2,500 to anyone who participates in his trial. Matthew shows interest. He undergoes a new procedure, which Dr. Lexington intends for the improvement of brain disorders. It has side effects, which leads to the development of telepathy, hypnosis, and telekinesis. Dr. Lexington teaches Matthew to control them. Matthew proceeds to assist with teaching another test subject, Norman Lake. Dr. Lexington discloses information on the procedure and its subjects to the media. Matthew angrily confronts Dr. Lexington. He mistakenly attacks Dr. Lexington and retreats to his cousin, Earl Park. Earl helps Matthew out of the state to meet his girlfriend, his former doctor, Dr. Sondra Morgan. The FBI pursues them. They capture Earl, but Matthew remains free. He reunites with Sondra and they free Earl. Afterward, Norman uses telepathy to trick Matthew to return to Philadelphia. He reluctantly fights Norman. He finds himself going back to Philadelphia, where the FBI takes him prisoner. After telepathically convincing Agent York of the FBI, Matthew plots to confront Dr. Lexington, who now has the same abilities. After all of the grueling events, Matthew finally achieves some normalcy.

About the Author

A woman gives birth to T.W. Spencer in Calvert County, Maryland. Residing in Lexington Park, Maryland for two years, he emigrates with his mother to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to be closer to her six sisters and ten brothers. He grows up the third of seven children. In eighth grade, his family moves with his grandmother, who dies from lung cancer two years later. Throughout school, he shows great creativity, mostly with writing; however, he doesn't desire a career in writing. After graduating high school in 2005, he makes writing his hobby. In late 2006, he begins his first novel, Experimental, only as a hobby. In mid-2007, he makes a huge career decision. He joins the local plumbers' union, but he maintains his hobby. In the following months and years, the novel grows. He adds characters and conflicts. His hobby comes to an instant halt after he suffers a Traumatic Brain Injury in a serious, near-fatal car accident. He loses a great amount of memory, but miraculously retains memory of his novel. A new desire to be a published author surfaces when he almost dies, not showing anyone his talent. He retools his novel, edits it, and prepares it for publication. Now, he isn’t shy to display his writing, nor scared to allow others to read it.