Gravity Rocks

by Jean W. Pearson; Lisa M. Dutto



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 24/01/2012

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 8.5x11
Page Count : 60
ISBN : 9781468528138

About the Book

Gravity Rocks is designed for a child that is now ready to learn to snowboard and for the adult who is preparing the child (or perhaps themselves) for their first snowboard lesson. Through rhyme and playful illustration, the story carries readers through the events of a first day mountain experience. Brett and his best friend Jibbin, a Helmutt, are off on a mountain adventure. They start their day early and travel to their new mountain school of snow. They meet their teacher Lizz and other students in their group lesson. They learn safe riding practices, basic snowboarding skills and snowboarding terminology. Brett and Jibbin have a wonderful day on the snow. Reading this book with your child will generate a level of excitement. An understanding of what will happen before, during and after the lesson will be established. Key information is provided to help set realistic expectations for the first lesson as well as provide insights on gear and logistics. Terminology and illustrations are provided to assist in learning and visualizing key movements of snowboarding. A Question and Answer section and Gear Checklist are provided to assist in preparation for the big day. We hope that you find this book enjoyable, the antics of Jibbin entertaining and the content helpful as you venture out and enjoy the slopes together! Gravity Rocks! Enjoy and slide on!

About the Author

Jean W. Pearson: Introduced to skiing at the age of 5, Jean has been joyfully sliding on snow for years. Snowboarding has evolved into an opportunity to quell her true passion to teach. Leveraging her Physical Education degree, her professional business experience, and her AASI Level II Snowboarding Certification Jean has been teaching snowboarding for over 10 years. Presently, Jean teaches and trains staff at an eastern snowsports school. Skiing and snowboarding has gifted Jean with many wonderful memories of family fun in the snow. It is her hope that you find this book enjoyable, informative and better yet, an opportunity to develop similar wonderful memories with those that you care for. Lisa M. Dutto While taking a break from the “Rat Race” Lisa found the heart of her soul; snowboarding and skiing. As she came up through the snowsports ranks, Lisa perfected her turns and her desire to help others perfect theirs. Lisa is the Assistant Director of an eastern Snowsports School and where she supervises and trains the snowboarding staff. Her education on snow includes a snowboarding AASI Level II certification and an alpine skiing PSIA Level II. Lisa enjoys fine chocolates and has been accused of being a bit “Artsy”. Hummm. Lisa writes and illustrates for clarification and support to all students, new to this sport, to make their first experience unforgettable.