

Book Details

Language :
Publication Date : 01/08/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 5x8
Page Count : 424
ISBN : 9781456787820

About the Book

Makala Amoto 2 - Malawianism, takes off where the first book, Made in Malawi, stopped. It is painfully funnier and unashamedly closer to reality. It explores the lives of Malawians both at home and in diaspora, while tackling prevailing socio-political issues. Just like its predecessor, this is rare a book and one of a kind. It’s as unique as a chicken with teeth. If you are allergic to laughter, then please stop reading now because Malawianism has been medically proven to cause dizziness, fainting spells, dilation of the eyes, dry throat, loneliness, withdrawals and serious coughing bouts. If laughter is your thing, then buckle-up for another roller-coaster ride together with Makala Amoto (the protagonist) his family, the neighbours, politicians, pastors and more. The characters come hard at you in their typical Englichewa Language. Once again the Amoto family invites you over to their kraal-like yard as they light up the famous barbecue grill, the Torpedo-2000, to roast anything and everything that bleeds. It’s a chance to chew on sumptuous dzipalapasilo, crocodile beef and some mouth-watering elephant delicacy whilst discussing juju, politics, fuel shortages, blackouts, business and Malawian cultural nuances (which often collide with those of the West.) If this book fails to tickle you, then consult a doctor – preferably a witchdoctor – about your laughing handicap. Just like the first book, this one should not be read at funerals or any place where laughing is strictly prohibited.

About the Author

Rinzi Phoya writes for a hobby. This is his second book in the Makala Amoto Series. He writes humourous satire to explore the lives of Malawians abroad and back home in Malawi.