Mizz Poetic to you from the Heart

by LaVerne W. Henson



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 12/09/2011

Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 80
ISBN : 9781463428273

About the Book

My book of writing is an answered prayer. I was in my forty's when He, blessed me with this talent of writing. I really didn't know what to do with it. I just started writing and giving them to every one I wrote about. I always kept a copy for myself, so your poem could be in one of my books. My Pastor T.D. Jakes is one of the greatest ministers in the world today. I'm sure if you have a great Pastor you could say the same thing." He tells us not to sit on our talent, but do something, don't go to your grave with what you have locked up in you." I had a late start, but this is it. My book is about a series of prayers, written in the form of poetry. Hopping and believing God to answer the various trends and situations from all types of people. It deals with the inner thoughts of the heart. The Bible tells us that this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us: He also tells us to write the vision and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that reads it. This poem in title (Because) is special to me it's about my Pastor when he first came to Dallas. I don't have to tell you about it because it's in the book. As you read my book of poems you will be moved with compassion and realize that God is a God of more than just second chances. May God bless each and everyone that reads this book?

About the Author

My name is LaVerne Henson; I am a native of Texas. I graduated from the Lincoln High School in June of 1962. I attended the Madam C. J. Walker Beauty College in 1962-1963. I was self employed as a Cosmetologist for several years. I changed my career goals and attended a School of Nursing. After graduating I worked for several years for Hospice at the Visiting Nurse Assoc. Later I united with the Grace of God Baptist Church, Where Pastor R.L.Bonner was the Pastor. This is where my career in writing began. I was the President of the Pastor’s Aid, and I tried many times to write a poem for the program, but I was never successful. Then one day I tried and to my surprise the words started flowing and everything started rhyming and in a few minutes I had finished. I was really amazed how quickly the Lord blessed me in writing poetry. My writing is God sent it’s a created message in the form of poetry. I rely totally on God for every aspect of my writing. That was the early part of the 90’s since then I have written poems of wisdom, words of knowledge, and just plain every day life centered on people, their personal problems and every day situations. I also write songs, and on occasion as the Lord directs I put the words of God to music. I am also empathetic toward the people I write about, such as the demise of a family member or friend. The desires of others or any occasion the Lord impress on me to write.