Still in My Arms

by Amy E. von Oven



Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 07/06/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781456748654
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 156
ISBN : 9781456748661

About the Book

My whole life I have dreamed of being a wife and mother. I have always felt so sorry for women who suffered with miscarriages or have lost a child. I never dreamed it would become my own reality... When my fourth child was stillborn, I became entangled in a web of darkness and sorrow so deep I was not sure I would ever be the same. I have been a Christian since I was seven, but it was not until my Bethany Hope died that God brought me to my knees and tested my faith like never before. This book entails some of the dark valleys and struggles I went through during the first year after Bethany died and how Christ never left my side and never will. I am truly learning that life is not about waiting for the storms to pass, but about learning to dance in the rain. When our life takes a wrong turn in our eyes, it might just be a right turn in the direction of Gods.

About the Author

I am a thirty year old wife and mother of four children. I thought I had life figured out until my forth child was stillborn at 37 weeks, and my world came crashing down around me. I have been in Church my entire life, but have never had my faith tested like this before. My husband Brad and I have been married for ten years and he has been my rock throughout this battle in our lives. This journey has truly changed us forever as we are learning to live life again with our children.